Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association (RIVMA)
14 Imperial Place,Unit 201
Providence, RI 02903
phone: 401.751.0944
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Advertise in the RIVMA E-Newsletter The RIVMA E-Newsletter is disseminated each Friday via email to more than 200 RIVMA members. The e-news has a 45% open rate. E-Newsletter Advertising Rates If you are a RIVMA member, please ensure you are logged into the website in order to receive member rates. Classified Ads are limited to 100 words or less. RATES PER TWO WEEKS (two consecutive issues of the E-Newsletter): $25/member, $50/non-member Display Ads must be submitted as a jpg file, no larger than 5 MB. Please note that any image with width more than 800 pixels will be compressed. RATES PER TWO WEEKS (two consecutive issues of the E-Newsletter): $100/member, $150/non-member
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